Is 3DGS Dying ? I don't think so. After a while i came back to
3dgs and noticed many changes. Pfew I had to start all over again.

One thing does not change and that is the lack of getting started without programming skills. Sure you have template stuff but learning from it is hard, figuring out what all means and how stuff works, all those separate scripts combining. For a noob is this very hard. ( I still am) small easy questions are rarely answered. The same for easy to use simple code snippets
However it gave me a boost to start my own book (always wanted to do that) teaching 3DGS the realspawn way. (older memebers will remember) it will include complete from scratch coding and will have video’s and text information how all works. I got help from Helgast and Slin so even i am learning all over again grin The main goal is to make people enjoy creating and learn in a fast but most simple way. (if i succeed you all have to await)
I still am convinced that it is the artist that makes a game cool or not. Engines are fun but graphics, models, game play decide if a game succeeds or not.

Just my 2 cents

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