Bah.. offline ATM, so cant go to multiplayer...


Michael :: your server has been running better than usual today.
If youve changed something, keep up the good work !
And is there any chance for you to post a fresher map-image?

Anyone Else:: If you want to take a look at my recently-completed skull,
look to Michaels original post, and look at that map.
You will find me in the top-left corner.
Map is older than 'me' so I dont show on it...

Michael or Mods: If you find 'me' by following the directions above,
you will see my initial 'skull' construction... it is about 20x20x20 blocks.
But because its hollow it only took about 3000 blocks, still alot of mining.

Just go inside and see, there is a ladder underneath. Climb that ladder into the skull,
and there is another ladder leading down out of it, into one of my mining areas...
Have a look around, i had to do a lot of diging to get that much stone...

My problem is this... I have another skull planned, but bigger ... DOUBLE the size.
And from the plans that means I will need nearly 13,000 blocks !!!
480 chests full of stone. Cooked cobblestone that is... looks bone-like.
I would need to strip-mine half the planet for that much stone and coal...

So does anyone have any ideas how I can get the raw materials so i can
construct this monstrous monument to the meat-impaired?

Do I need to speak to Michael directly about it?

Are Mods 'capable' of spawning chests, filling them with spawned stone,
and then LEGALLY replicating them? And are they willing, or allowed to do this?

Does anyone have another suggestion?

Thanks in advance...

"There is no fate but what WE make." - CEO Cyberdyne Systems Corp.
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