Once indies make no money anymore in that section because the big studios more or less blasted it, just look where indies go next...

It will always be people making games even more if they can's sell them they make it for free, for fun, for pleasure to
share big things laugh
I remember when i prorammed on my CPC 464 with basic than assembler.
Lot of joy to see sprites you could control laugh

PS3 and 360 have indies section where you can find very original games.
Big game company don't invest on making small games a lot.

Sometimes people flyw from big companies to make their own
successfull game with tehir own experience and ides :
TorchLight (using ogre 3D) , Torchlight 2 is coming with multiplayer also laugh

Their are lot of japanese indie shootem up, or RPG also.
I played this week a great indie turn nased RPG on PS3;
i had fun and satisfaction ,even if i got FF13, why ???

Because teh universe, characters, monsters ,design are all original with new ideas even on a standard turn based system.
They stoen also some time bar ides form FF13 laugh

Well great original games will lot fo time come from individual people having their own ideas, with no constraints
or obligatio ot produce from Big companies.

I really like to play Two Worlds 2 on PS3, really great.
But sorry, the story is original, apprt form that
it has not originality , always magician, warrio, orcs etc ...
again same fire , water powers etc ...

This is the main problem, big companies can't take the risk of putting millions of dollars on original ideas, they don't know if it will success.

Even more little studios make great things also :
Grass Hooper : Killer 7, Okami , No More Heroes !!
I really like a lot thid studio !

Well indie or lonewolf people making games will never disappear indeed.
Even more they have all tools like Blender, 3D Coat, Sculptris, Free and affordable 3D engines ....

Or they can make 2 or 2.5D games also.

Gameloft a little company growing big and sepcialized on
Mobile 3D games :
They make succesfull clone games like some clone
of God Of War, or Halo, racing game.
Their last creation is a Zelda Clone laugh
Zelda Clone

Last edited by ratchet; 01/16/11 23:41.