Hey Redeemer laugh Don't worry, it hasn't died. My family went away for Christmas and took me with them -- we've been skiing in Whistler, which has been amazing. Not something we can normally afford at all, but as expats we get to use our "home-leave" to explore other cool parts of the world laugh

I've been working on KarBOOM's website while I've been away -- only here and there. I don't have much time to work on it, but it's the best I can do since I don't have access to my own PC from here to work on KarBOOM itself. KarBOOM.net will be the "official" KarBOOM website with all there is to know about KarBOOM, to-do lists, and its own forum for feedback, bug reports, and organising online games. KarBOOM online play uses an account system that shares the same backend as the forum, so if you've seen them on the forum you know who you're playing against. Most of it is not finished yet.

By the time I left before Christmas, KarBOOM itself had smooth and consistent online play (as far as my tests can tell at this stage), a lobby system, login system. When I get home I will optimise traffic a bit more for online play, make some user-interface improvements, and try to get a system working for detecting when someone's attempting to host from behind a router and hasn't set up port-forwarding.

While I've been away I've had tonnes of ideas for the level editor and different game-modes. I really can't wait to implement it all! But for now I'll focus on getting online up and running. When I get the forum working I'll be asking here for help testing out the forum, and when KarBOOM Online is just about ready you guys will be the first to test it.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!