grin Happy New Year to everyone grin

Thanx, your input was very much appreciated during the design of this chapter smile
I decided to go with simplified texture version for now but, since it's just a matter of different texture, I may go with a more realistic one if it turns out to be more likeable.

I have, let's say, completed for now my tweaking of chapter 3 level geometry & ppe effects. There are some design errors that George found that I will take care of but, after that, I will call level design & ppe for chapter 3 finished. Later on I will add more level props like different shields & flags, wooden props & I'm not so happy with how the bridges look but that will all wait until game is nearing it's end.

What I did in level one is: distorted lightmaps & lowered their saturation, lowered map ambiance, added HDR, desaturate & colorshift ppe, and also resized & enhanced wall & floor textures.

I still have to implement these modifications to all 9 levels but it's a simple process & it won't take more then 4h. I decided, however, not to upload these levels at this time to SkyDrive because things are already a bit crowded in my folder & I will have to upload them anyway when they became playable from programming side. As the gameplay gets coded &, one by one, levels became functional I will upload them to SkyDrive.

Now I will focus on finding, modifying & polishing models & trying to extend gameplay a bit with different, more platform-like, props & problems (dogs, turtles, fire-obstacles..). Also I will start with a thing I agreed with George some time ago, which concerns making a sort of sample levels (geometry & lightmaps) for few other chapters. This is a good idea because when we begin searching for people interested to join project as a level designers they will have not only global design directions but also real geometry to work with & expand as they seem fit.

Here's a link to the video of chapter 3, level 1 gameplay..

..and also few screens of the level..

>>Demos free3DModels Tutorials<<
>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<