to be honest i dont even see why people are buying it and its incomplete

I've bought A8 (for 50% off of upgrade price) as soon as it was possible, even though it almost didn't have any new features. Why did I buy it then at all?
Because now I get at least 2 years of free updates and meanwhile I can shape the engine to some extent myself, I can request little but (for me) important features like the new d3d_entsort mode.
You don't pay for a finished product with feature ABC when you buy gamestudio but rather for a 2-year-free-updates-licence.

That alone tells you what others first impressions are, lame gallery, no videos? wtf?, lame 2d work, lame presentation.

The page is really horrible and by far the worst part of the product. :<

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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