Hi, been long since I post here, I mostly just lurking here.
Okay, so the thread is "is 3DGS is dying?", well I guess(or hope) not grin
But I do think that it seriously need some game to show the teeth. I know that there are some game recently released but I don't think it really represent what 3DGS got.

I dont want to compare it with other tool but it can't be helped, take a look at Unity free version. It give you a full support of shaders(except r2t and shadows). And even can make MMOG with that too I guess(though I'm not sure bout this). In 3DGS, the free version can only make games that look like was made 10 years ago, although this really depends on the user, but how can people get interested? And unless you're using the pro version, people can see your game resource, although there are some good packers tool but only if people can find it. And the list can still go on...

Now I know that I havent touch 3DGS for a long time since I switch to flash games, but I must say that conitec took a wrong step by stopping A7 and starting A8.
Why not just improve A7? Give it more support like mobile platform capabilities and stuffs?

Well, long story short, 3DGS doesn't let people create game easy(like it used to be in the previous versions), there's too much effort to put in that now can/should be eliminated somehow.