OK, completely off the TNT subject...

Has anyone else encountered this problem.

Whilst playing on this server (the ONLY multiplayer minecraft server Ive even been on BTW),
I randomly get times where my network-card locks up...

I cant do anything with it, wont 'repair' cause it hangs, wont 'disable' cause it hangs,
even hangs PC partway through shutdown process if attempted....

The only ways to fix it is either a HARD boot of the PC, which Ive only done once,
or simply dis-connecting my network cable for 5 seconds, then re-connecting.

Wierd huh?

Ive just updated my java to latest, and my directX is whatever came with 7.86.0. Still no change.

NEVER had this problem with anything else, even single-player is fine...

Any ideas anyone?!?

[EDIT] PS If my neighbour found he was missing two torches from above an underwater room,
I have now replaced them.
Sorry for borrowing without asking, but I was having a LOT of trouble
finding any coal. But Im cool now...

Last edited by EvilSOB; 12/17/10 00:46. Reason: apologies...

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