Adventure Architect Series 2: Part 1


I have started a brand new project: a twisted fantasy adventure called Chivalry is Not Dead.

This series of articles will serve as a chronicle of my quest in developing Chivalry, taking you behind the scenes of its design, production, and eventually, testing and release. If you yourself are at all involved or hoping to be involved with amateur adventure development, I hope you'll find something of use in my methods; otherwise, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Okay So Far


With the first Half-life game there was already a sense of humor. With Half-life 2 they have reached back to the adventure games and put much more emphasis on story. It has believable dialogue and an engaging plot. It’s still a shooter but it’s a start. Keeping the action going and unfolding a well-constructed story at the same time is no mean feat with a user running around loose in there.

My User Contributions master list - my initial post links are down but scroll down page to find list to active links