No one has mentioned graphic novels (I think), style here mainly stuck from printing processes.
Graphic Novels spanning the globe, touch on serious to more comical subjects.

They are often in the line style.
So what better idea to have especially for small companies making games to be able to adopt a style not quite so realistic if they want to.
While the timescales and budget may not be there to implement the latest HDR etc etc, a good adventure game on a budget surely could rely on good 3D level design while at the same time less cutting edge technology, which doesnt mean compromising on the artistic credebility?

I am starting out on an a 3D adventure game, depending on if I can push it towards a full game or just another walkaround tech demo. It will be in the style I want.

I agree the latest wow stuff can look good but a workaround for smaller companies or even individuals making an adventure game surely need not put them off from making something they want to and that will be profitble enough for them?......

Comics are a good example of this.....I would recomend the books by Scott Mac Cloud if not read already.....a lot in his books can be applied to all forms of creative story telling work including games I beleive....