
Im going to try getting on again in the next few days, but whenever Ive been on in the past Ive been alone so could get any on-line help...

So I'll ask now... (sorry if its a bit off-topic, or dumb, as Im noob at multiplayer minecraft)

1> Is there a "written" set of rules somewhere? (like 'dont use TNT on other peoples stuff!')

2> How do I know where I can start building MY 'home'? Ive screwed my spawnpoint already, and
it was on a island that seemed in use already...

3> It seems you can "buy" materials in MP, maybe... Is there any on-line doco about for this...

4> And do we still need to run a retro-version of the MineCraft.JAR or not?
(I couldnt get that to work, kept using the current version...)

Thanks dude, PM reply if Im badly off-topic in this...

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