Is Photorealism in Games the Right Direction?

I think that photorealism isn't viable for a small studio like ours, and I'm betting our next title on it. Here's my reasoning for going in the opposite direction:

1. We can't compete on the same footing: The budget for our next title is under $100,000, compared to even the "meager" $10 million that Gears of War received.

2. There are alternatives: Other visual aesthetics are available to us, many of which aren't being investigated by larger studios. Surrealism is one example. Cartoon rendering, less so (as many titles rely on this aesthetic).

3. Some alternatives are viable: The demoscene has produced brilliant, eye-catching displays for years, using small teams. Half Life 2 had "wow" factor, such that experiencing a new vista was, in and of itself, a reward. Watching some of these demoscene productions brings about the same feeling. I think it's that "wow" factor -- not the aesthetic, itself -- that people are looking for.

We'll see in 2007 if I'm right, or if I'm living in a cardboard box. :)

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