Yeah, the Untitled Platformer is J, J & BUM smile This seems to be visual presentation of the update of the movement code. Felix (Superku) is the author of the movement code (& all entities that can be seen in the video) for J, J & BUM.

I must admit I decided to use red, it gives it a sort of flaming thing grin You may be right about toon shader, similar thing can be achieved with stronger colors but I do like shadows & outlines. They are not so visible though..

Rework of the level 8 (Ganderoleg C3 L8 V3.zip) is done & uploaded to SkyDrive.

In this level I used Superku's newest movement code. There are some (minor) things I changed in code & some suggestions that I will put on Tooldeo board.

The thing that we should consider is that we will probably have a number of different enemies in the game that must not play violent 'slash' or 'shoot' animations when they caught JJ's. This means that we would have to have some sort of 'caught' animations for every different type of enemy and, unless we recruit a very good animator, this will not be possible. So my idea was to have a fadeout sequence every time enemy gets critically near to one of the JJ's. I implemented standard fading with black panel but the sequence can be more toon-like with circle or stars & maybe even have a accompanying music? I believe that this approach is suggestive enough & it saves us the trouble of animating the caught-act. If someone has a better idea we can always switch to it.

In this level I have two different enemy models, the lower one is my redesign of Dexsoft Fantasy Warrior model that I did for my project Blade Of Power & the upper is Dragon Knight model that I downloaded from 3d Game Studio site. It seems that, when compared, models that are less realistic by proportions are more adequate for levels. I don't know if the rest of the team will also see it this way.

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