The Importance of Story Part 1

The Importance of Story Part 2


The general lack of story-telling in video games is pretty pervasive(though not without exception). It is also, in my opinion, a big waste. If there is any medium with which a story could be conveyed powerfully, it’s video games for one simple reason: interaction. The player must take part in the reality the game creates, so they are already that much closer to things like suspension of disbelief, immersion, and identification with the characters.

21 Adventure Game Design Tips


Over the past nine years Larry Ahern and I have worked with many different adventure game designers and on many adventure games. We both contributed heavily to the game designs for all those projects. Larry even got to co designed The Curse of Monkey Island with Jonathan Ackly. During those projects we have learned a lot about the genre including these basic adventure game design ‘rules’, or you could just consider them ‘strong suggestions’. The word ‘rules’ seem a bit strong for such a flexible genre as adventure games. Also many of these ‘rules’ can be applied successfully to other game genres as well.

Adventure Music


There are very few tutorials on the net for making music or a soundtrack to a point and click adventure game, and the one's I read never tell you how to do it. Therefore, I'm going to give you as clear pointers as I can, so you can walk away from this tutorial and actually compose something. Of course, they're just pointers - enabling you to define your own styles etc, but I thought I'd go through some of the key elements to making in-game music.

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