Oh well, somehow the server auto-updated, so I went ahead and installed the new hmod aswell.

Server is back up.

Also I'd like to point you back to the opening post, the donations for December are starting now. Please contribute if you can laugh

Edit: Nevermind, server hangs up after 2 minutes. Waiting for support to fix this.

Edit 2: Apparently the last update corrupted the map, support loaded a backup from 2 days ago and now it works like a charm.

Edit 3: I disabled monsters and animals for the time being. There seems to be a new bug with the latest server that spawns ten billion animals EVERYWHERE and 90% of all monsters are creepers. Which also spawn in the millions, it basically overloaded the server.

Edit 4: also players seems to be duplicating exponentially, so you might have a hard time finding the actual instance of someone. On the upside, it makes the server look more populated.

Edit 5:

it's bad, really bad.

Edit 6:

But kinda funny

Edit 7:

Care to play "Where's Waldo?" ? XD

Last edited by Michael_Schwarz; 12/01/10 20:13.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku