Thanx George, I am using mouse-oriented code also in new two levels. Changing lanes is really a bit off, it doesn't seem to be very precise.

I have uploaded new versions of Fortress Chapter levels 4 & 5 (Ganderoleg C3 L4 & Ganderoleg C3 L5 to Sky Drive.

Things are somewhat same as before, I'm using Ello's sky system, there are some minor geometry re-designs, background buildings, few bonus/potion items implemented, also DOF (Shade-C) & screen.txt file for controlling the 16:9/4:3 resolution & camera distance.

I will start to replace some of my old actions with Martin's new code solutions in levels 6 & above. After that I will go back to previous levels & replace rest of the actions. DOF can be turned off by putting 0 in Bloom.txt file.

The screen txt file controls the 16:9/4:3 resolution which changes the camera distance when switched (0=4:3/1300, 1=16:9/1500).

There are also some further changes made in audio segment, Ivan enhanced his new Fortress background music theme.

Any feedback on what should be changed & modified is welcome.

Chapter 3 Level 4

Chapter 3 Level 5

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