New changes made to the HUD -- to help keep players from being confused, each score tab has either a cursor-key pattern or a gamepad pattern on it, indicating how that colour's being controlled. When online play comes there'll probably be a third pattern to remind you that that player isn't on the same machine tongue . They're also ordered from left to right -- that is, Gamepad 1 will always be to the left of Gamepad 2, and the cursor-key player will always be to the left of the WASD player, although the gamepad tabs might be in-between keyboard tabs or vice versa depending on the order in which you add players. I hope that makes sense. It will when you get your hands on the next update, hopefully to be done by Friday.

I've got some ideas for improving the sound effects -- apart from just recording better ones (which still needs to be done), I plan to have the menu buttons give some sort of audible feedback (without being annoying). Also, cars are too quiet when the camera's far away, but noisy when the camera's close and there's lots of them, so important sound effects like that and explosions (which as Redeemer mentioned are quite wussy) might get two sounds -- one that is softer and more muffled but has a more gradual falloff, and one that is harsh and crisp but has a fast falloff.

Depending on the resources available to me in the next few days I will either focus on sound effects or music. There's no way either will be "finished" by this Friday, but I do want to make some sort of step forward in audio (which really hasn't improved since 0.1).

Whatever the state, I hope to release 0.1.3 on Friday, and then forget about sound and music for a bit while I get online up-and-running.

I'd love to hear more ideas, such as for mutators (there're only 3 mutators at the moment, but some cool ideas might take relatively little effort to implement before this Friday). I remember Schokokeks recommended players being given more time before they explode -- I think that's a good idea, but not necessarily as a mutator; I'm thinking of making that a level option when level customisation gets some work. And was it darkinferno who suggested a mutator that affects the size of cars? Here's an idea: how about a mutator that attempts to balance the game by giving players who are doing worse a size and mass boost?

Thanks again for the support! KarBOOM now has an IndieDB page in case any of you have IndieDB accounts and want to follow the game there as well!

I have a Physics test tomorrow which is interfering with my productivity today and tomorrow frown


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!