
I have uploaded new versions of Fortress Chapter levels 3 (Ganderoleg C3 L3 V2.zip) to Sky Drive.

Apart from Ello's sky system (that we are going to replace once George finishes his own sky system) the new things are some minor geometry re-designs, background buildings, few bonus/potion items, implemented DOF solution (Shade-C) & screen.txt file for controlling the 16:9/4:3 resolution & camera distance.

In this version I have switched to Superku's new mouse-oriented script (Movement0510_D) so that we can see how that concept works for project. I have made some small (& far from final) changes in visual segment to make system-visuals more compatible with my levels. I believe that even cursor (red direction/speed dot) could be preserved if we make it to be a suitable particle effect grin

I have deleted all my (rudimentary:) modifications of Superku's code so some of the gameplay-relevant entities are not working anymore, also potions & bonus item are not functional at this time. DOF can be turned off by putting 0 in Bloom.txt file.

The screen txt file controls the 16:9/4:3 resolution which changes the camera distance when switched (0=4:3/1300, 1=16:9/1500).

Also there are some changes in audio segment, Ivan composed a new Fortress background music theme that follows a different, more natural sound concept.

Any feedback on what should be changed & modified is welcome.


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