Hi, just tried your game Julz. I enjoyed it a lot, me and my brother had lots of fun knocking each other around. laugh

A few comments:

-The graphics are simple but look very good. Great job!

-The sound effects are a little lack-luster. In particular, the explosions sound kind of wimpy.

-Movement; some people may complain about a lack of acceleration, but I think this is a good thing. If the player has too much control over the car, it will make it too difficult to recover from a bump. Personally I think it's just right wink

-Music; obviously there's no music yet since you started development of this game just a few weeks ago (I'm guessing), but it's still something that needs to be done. I would suggest some bouncy songs like Bomberman that shift into higher frequencies when two cars come near each other (context sensitive music?)

-Multiplayer; apparently this is a popular idea. IMO it shouldn't be done unless you allow more than one person to play online from the same computer.

-Levels; the round dirt patch is a good bread-and-butter level that I think should be retained even after you create the level editor, but I like the idea of more complex levels too.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!