KarBOOM 0.1.1 is up.

DOWNLOAD it now!

Try the new weak spots mutator -- bump into the back of another car to make them explode! Also, victory conditions let you enforce different ways to win the game. Limit the game by time, a maximum score, or limited lives for each car.

The menu system is inexcusably awful looking. The "options" button doesn't do anything, and the "ROUND OVER" screen doesn't actually tell you much about the round.

Basically the game now has a title screen, a game setup screen, and is played in rounds, but almost all the HUD elements are just a re-arrangement of what was in 0.1.

Over the next week I'll be focusing on cleaning up the menu system with a nicer looking title screen, and options button that actually works, nicer looking menus in general, and (most importantly) a more informative ROUND OVER screen with useful statistics and some way of emphasising which player(s) won.

I'm keen to get online multiplayer working soon, but it won't be just yet. As explained in my latest announcement, introducing online multiplayer will be a big step, but I don't want to miss a weekly update. So updates like this one and the next few are designed to make the addition of online mode easier.

The round-based system and menu system in this update required a lot of changes to the code to ensure the game knows the difference between being "in game", "paused" and "out game" (as opposed to version 0.1 when you're always either playing or just paused), and this will make adding discrete online rounds easier. Next week's work on the menu system will not just pretty it up; it will hopefully ready the game to use a lobby system I had working a while back before I started this game. And in the near future I hope to make improvements to the replay system -- whose ideas and concepts have a lot to do with the way online play will be synchronised.

Please tell me any problems you guys have! I haven't been able to make any efforts towards Blink's, Bart's, and Roel's problems, as I just don't know enough about what's going wrong on their side yet (except Bart's, which appears to be an A8 issue which should be reported in the Bug Hunt forum).


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!