grin Thanks Germanunkol! That kinda response makes me feel really happy grin

In regards to the online multiplayer: For one thing I want this game to accommodate for people who aren't likely to have other people around playing the game at home. I personally think offline multiplayer always trumps online, but some people don't, and I want to include them.

Secondly, I think it'd be really cool to have offline-online hybrid multiplayer, especially if there are team game modes. So imagine you and two or three friends around your computer all participating in the same online game. Even better, competing as a team against another bunch of people sharing a computer somewhere else in the world. Perhaps I should give hosts the option to limit how many players are on each computer, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

In regards to the shockwave: That makes sense. The actual shockwave doesn't have a size -- the force is applied to every car and the magnitude of the force is inversely proportional to the square of the car's distance from the explosion. But I can certainly make the size of the shockwave bigger to line up with what actually appears to happen.


EDIT: CarBOOM? Like, a play on the onomatopoeia "KABOOM!"
EDIT2: MotoSumo/AutoSumo?

Last edited by JulzMighty; 10/30/10 19:18. Reason: Name idea?

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!