Thanks guys laugh
oh i guess your probably using A8 hence the stable physics
I'll take that as a compliment to my programming tongue I do use A8, but no physics engine. I wrote the physics with the replay editor and online multiplayer in mind in good old-fashioned Lite-C. It's very simple physics but I believe it does the job. I'm going to stick with A8's network functions for setting up the online multiplayer, but more just to send my own information (rather than letting A8 automatically update entities or anything). I have a few reasons for this -- one is that I just like programming things my way (like with the physics), and other reasons will hopefully reveal themselves down the road.

I forgot to mention that I have absolutely no idea what to call this game -- I don't actually want to call it "Car Game LOL". Suggestions are welcome if you don't mind donating ideas. I was thinking since "Minecraft" comes from "mining" and "crafting", which is what the game is all about, I should call my game "DriveExplode" tongue

I also forgot to mention that while I want to get all those things done eventually, the order in which I do them will depend largely on what its players want. So what would you guys like to see done first?

EDIT: I'm thinking victory conditions first, as being able to define rounds of gameplay would be very advantageous for online multiplayer; followed perhaps by unlimited players, simply because replay mode and the HUD will need some extra work on it to accommodate for arbitrary player counts. But I'd like everyones thoughts on this, and I'd like to hear what people are most eager to get their hands on!


Last edited by JulzMighty; 10/30/10 03:16.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!