In fact the showcase forum of Unity is very active and very different, lot of people who buy Unity is people who target to really create and sell a game; with 3DGS there is lot more low level programmers asking for code features for each beta
to have fun and toying/experimenting code.

And lot of things in showcase of Unity are Iphone games
in developement going to be sold !

But ask yourself before buying what you want do do :
- Iphone game : yes, Unity is one way but expensivce for Pro features (shiva is another way with cheaper Android support)
- Little game using Next Gen on PC : why not, do you have solid design docs?
- Big Next Gen game : Do you have a solid team, design docs,
level design, ennemy design, gameplay design ?

A8 even with not trivial tools, old workflow for
arcade, casual , little games it's a cheaper and very good alternative.

Lof of people think :
"Whaooo Unity3 , deferred shading, etc ..."
But will they be able to create gorgeous next gen game and all the 3D art ?
Why asking last gen shaders, power, if you can't produce a next gen 3D art level and ennemies with all AI, animations, effects ...
Even if you make a team, the distant team mates will need
Unity, and working with distant people is not trivial.
I also worked on a team some little time ago on a free mmo with Unity, even that showed me that having different people that are distant make things longer and sometimes aborted, caus any member team have their own life always changing.
It'not easy to motivate people, to keep them in even more
for quality work.
Sometimes , the best is to pay some 3D artists or buy some 3D art packages that you'll customize by modifying textures.

Yes indeed Unity 3 is AAA engine , Unity Iphone is another part of the engine, not the same thing.

So can you produce good Next Gen 3D art to use Unity 3 ?

Just my point of view.