Thanx smile I am constantly changing a bit of everything in every level.

Most of the screenshots are taken with the larger (sister) model because it reflects level-proportions better but it's, of course, only a placeholder. The real model is going to be designed after the Fortress chapter is done.

Hi team,

I've uploaded new level for J, J & BUM Fortress Chapter (Chapter 3 Level 8) to SkyDrive.

Since we are heading towards the end of the Fortress chapter (in terms of main geometry, texture & lighting works) & because all levels from this chapter are to be finalized (fine-tuning/modifying of geometry, adding few more props & removing bad design decisions) I wanted to go over the level-lighting once more & to see if there are some other solutions to be followed up before I finalize levels & start with work on the Sister & Lizard Warrior models.

I'm also experimenting with the Sky System plugin from Ello & wanted to see what you think how this should be approached.

So this level contains:

1. Different animated sky's (4) that are triggered by switching through the different music themes composed by Dimme.
2. Different shadowmaps (5) that are essentially not compromising my explicit/contrasted/long shadows concept but are still not very similar.

Any feedback on what should be changed & modified is welcome smile

..and a few screens with different shadowmaps:

Colormap(standard), Ambient Occlusion(low), Saturation(standard), Material(No.1).

Colormap(standard), Ambient Occlusion(low), Saturation(low), Material(No.1).

Colormap(standard), Ambient Occlusion(low), Saturation(low), Material(No.2).

Colormap(standard), Ambient Occlusion(high), Saturation(low), Material(No.2).

Colormap(grayscale), Ambient Occlusion(high), Saturation(none), Material(No.2).


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>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<