I understand that lighting could be more conventional if shadows would be toned down, with less contrast & smaller radius, but I didn't want conventional shadows for this project. The screen you posted is great but Uncharted visual style is very far from J, J & BUM concept. This project doesn't rely on realism, don't have blood, don't even have straightforward(face to face) confrontation between players & enemies smile

You probably watched Disney's 101 Dalmatians cartoon but to see what I mean go here:

...the color in 101 Dalmatians & similar style cartoons (Sword in the stone, Rescuers, Robin Hood...) is, besides the general lighting, also used to point out the feel of the room or dramatic moment. They all have very hard shadows, very contrasted color scheme. This, or more precise similar to this, is what I wanted for J, J & BUM.

I didn't want to create for J, J & BUM lighting that would look realistic in conventional sense(like in games that are going for realistic approach) & didn't want to make another generic children game with almost no shadows & cute, rounded scenery.

I believe that this lighting concept looks interesting & that it could make this project standout when it's screens are compared to screens of other games. I don't think there will be much problems when it comes to recognizing the shapes & depth of the environment because, once in motion, it's very clear where player can/cannot go.

I never seen anyone hit a wall or fall down the stairs when playing these levels grin & I showed the game to lots of my friends, some of them don't even play games & they managed the movement of the main characters very easy.

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