sure, but if i turn on the conspiracy theory part of my brain i can go as far as:

- they bought the man and the software to use his skill and kill the competition (as yo may have noticed even z-brush users got interested in sculptris)

- with the new sculptris forum on zb-central they also want to reel in the BIG and very talented Sculptris community.
Sentences like that:
Pixologic would also like to give you a little appetizer ‘goodie’

indeed a perfectly sweet companion to our big monster ZBrush

are just lame, I've worked in advertising and PR in the last 10 years and actually feel like puking every time i read such things, especially when knowing what kind of people write them and what their real motives are.

Conspiracy brain off.... This is a great opportunity for DrPetter to realize his ideas without worrying about food and bills laugh