
I just made in WED a large hollow box with standard texture.
I used my standard main

Since I haven't done this in a while...How do I get you
the exe ?

Michel in Ottawa

// Créé le 10 juin 2010
// Modifié le 
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>


#define PRAGMA_PATH "..\\Models";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "..\\des_tga";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "..\\des_pcx";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "..\\des_bmp";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "..\\sons_stereo"; //son_wav

function gexit() 
	sys_exit("bye bye Michel..."); 

function main()
	//		video_aspect = 4./3.; // enforce 4:3 mode if you do not want widescreen in effect
	video_mode = 7; // start resolution 800 x 600
	video_screen = 1; // start in fullscreen mode 	
	video_depth = 32; // otherwise 32 bit mode
	//	video_set(800,600,32,1);  // pour que l'écran soit de la bonne grandeur dans vista ou sur le laptop
	video_window(NULL,NULL,0,"Les éditions de l'AUDI~ssée inc."); 
	//  vec_set(screen_size,vector(800,400,0));
	//	vec_set(screen_color,vector(0,0,0)); // dark blue = (50,1,1)
	vec_set(sky_color,vector(0,0,0)); // noir = n'est pas visible donc augmente la vitesse 
	warn_level = 2;	// announce bad texture sizes and bad wdl code


Last edited by Ottawa; 06/10/10 16:40.