"player's skill60" Better don't change any player skills, use vars instead.

There is a new, small update (Movement0806.zip) on George's SkyDrive account.

What is new?
  • Sister has the ability to fly upwards/ gravity changes back to old state when she flies too long.
  • There are deathzones that kill the player when he touches it.
  • The elevators can have balance weights and cages: Attach a cage/weight in WED and check the elevator's Cage/Weight flag. When you want to have both on a single elevator, check both flags and attach the cage in the elevator's properties panel, then attach the weight in the cage's properties panel. The elevator always has to be the plate the player stands on, its model determines the bounding box dimensions.
  • The level exit is not gem-oriented anymore. Position an object (a door) where the exit should be, choose "exit_door" and set "new_level" to next level[number] (new_level = 2 loads level2.wmb). When the player comes close to this object, the next level loads. Optional you can add a key to your level (or more, the amount of keys per door is not limited) and attach your exit_door, it knows automatically how many keys are assigned to it.
    The same key-action can be chosen for keys that unlock key_door_swing entities.
  • Elevator_switches (you don't have to press a key to activate them, just come close).
  • Press left/right to go up/down while hanging on a ledge (instead of up/down keys).

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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