Hello team,

Since Sunday I have been working on a level design solution for J, J & BUM that would set the global game visual direction (be sort of concept template for game leveling).

Level uploaded to SkyDrive (Ganderoleg.20.MAY.2010.zip) is a design concept for J, J & BUM Fortress Chapter (Chapter 3. Sub-Level 4). This is the middle graphical version of the level. The high version with shaders & ppe is still to come smile

Since this should be the game visual approach, please evaluate this design & give any feedback on what should be excluded, changed or modified.


Parallel to this, i think we should also (finally) start with creating the gameplay solutions for levels, since we can't move forward with level development unless we have something to work with. I think that gameplay should be the primary concern at this moment.

>>Demos free3DModels Tutorials<<
>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<