Most parts are written in C++, the only xcode specific stuff I stupidly used everywhere is the #import semantic instead of include. The only Objective-C code is my view class, which is anyways very os specific (on windows, that is the part of creating the window and initializing the draw surface and handling events like touches on the iphone). There are also a few lines of objective-c to get the path of a file on the device and the whole file parsing uses an objective-c specific xml parser, but that should may be changed to tinyxml (only thing keeping me away from doing so is its licence, as it is a bit more restricted than MIT, even though I should may anyways change to that license as well...) or something.
So it should be doable without many problems, but I don´t own an android phone and I also have no experience with developing for it wink.

Edit 1: I just had a quick look at the android website and found out that it only supports OpenGL ES 1.0 and only partly 1.1, which could mean that one also has to write another renderer, as so far I have only something for OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0. But that also shouldn´t be hard.

Edit 2: Not completely right laugh There is also the NDK, which other than the SDK doesn´t have to be written in java, which would have been another problem, but which only supports OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0, so that it would fit again. But as you see, I am not into android at all.

Last edited by Slin; 05/02/10 20:39.