Originally Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die
3DGS is a JOKE nowadays as engines go. Soon Adobe Flash is going to have a more powerful 3d engine than gamestudio. It's the past , and hey , it got me into gamedev (which in my case I'm not too sure it was a good thing), and I've learned a lot using it. But it's over. Unless , somehow , Gamestudio soon releases A8 , a new super enhanced awesome version with super powerful engine and updated awesome editors , but then , we now have UE3 for free for huge projects , and Unity3d for smaller ones (though you can also make huge games with it), so , I can't see gamestudio surviving , less Conitec just wants to keep it alive without making any profits. Who knows , gamestudio will always hold a place in my heart , but as far as game engines go , it's but a mere memory in my mind.

LOL for someone who has been around as long as you, and who I'd assume even knows a little about the TECH BEHIND THE ENGINE and is not all "lolomg I want a point and click MMO with very little work, and oh its sooo hard to paint my terrains in a different third party program", I'd think you'd know how much complete bullshit that statement is.... I mean come on, comparing it to flash? really?, do you even know how difficult it is to get a decent speed renderer in flash?

Or are you just a super 1337 programmer that knows how to make his own software renderer that doesnt use dx or ogl but still has hardware acceleration....

or wait maybe its because your just a little to lazy and want an all-in-one paint by numbers art solution because you dont know a bit of programming and dont understand how a7 is a valuable programming asset and how its (despite popular belief) not that hard to use 3rd party tools to create art and levels in a7.

its fun to discuss technology with the retarded.