The knight looks awesome. smile

Ok, as promised, I'll show you one of my sketches (and upload the rest soon)

- Brother and sister both start outside the castle (X)
- Sister changes gravity to avoid the spikes (1) and turns on the swith (2) to make the platform (1) go down and cover the spikes. The switch also moves the platform at the bottom up and down (like a lift).
- The switch (3) can only be used by the brother, thus the brother has to use the lift. Once the switch is activated, the platform (4) will cover the spikes. The sister can now go up and wait until the ghost (or knight, or spider etc...) moves to the right. She can then go up to the swith (5)
- The switch (5) opens the exit-door (6) and both the brother and the sister can now leave the level.