GS 6 & GS 7 mixing is always “fun” grin I regularly have texturing problems with A7 wed so I always texture things in A6. But when I mess up in A7 I have to save .wmp as a .map in order to open it in A6 and during that process I lose all groups in .map file. It's really enjoyable mad

Seen a girl- it's a good work smile Hair looks especially nice & animations are very realistic.

As for me, so far I have finished one new level (level 3), 50% of a boy 3D model, 0 % of a boy 2D model & 20% of a final level (level 4).

It's now 13h in my city so in the, let's say, next 5-6 hours I will try to finish the 3D boy somehow and try to finish the level 4. But no matter what happens, by the end of the day, I will upload my finished level 3 and 3D boy model in whatever condition he is in by that time.

>>Demos free3DModels Tutorials<<
>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<