It's o.k.- it's not that big of a deal with level-frame smile At this moment it's not clear if the game levels will be fixed/scrolling, framed/fullscreen, zoomed, 2D/3D or combined but the thing that (1)level-theme, (2)level-frame & (3)fixed camera position were to do was to:

(1)make our level-style solutions similar so that they could be more easily compared,
(2)see how artist would solve the frame problem and if the game is to be scrolling/zoomed and not fixed we just loose the frame & add geometry/zoom,
(3) make sure we have the same level-mechanics so that people don't judge the level by the level gameplay but by the level art style.

I agree with you that moving camera and level depth will not work with isometric view but I don't think that view must be isometric in order to achieve the layered-level result. I don't know if you checked out my (much)earlier post and Moonmonkey demo:


It's a blend of 2D&3D technique with moving camera.

As for art pipeline, we should have a discussion about what programs will be used once we have a graphical techniques sett, but I am really happy that someone else is also using Blender & open source app's grin Blender is great.

Btw- The slider thing is my question blush Nothing special: just maybe a slider for level of difficulty, number of lives, resolution... stuff like that.

I'm not sure about map-like game menu but The Forest Temple has a map-like loading menu(i guess):

Since the level-frame is no longer necessary this is the small code that works for me & with it I will update my already created levels & implement it in my next few levels when they are finished:

Click to reveal..
//...in function main, after the set_camera() I have placed

//and this is the function
function zoom_change()
var zoom_mode=0;
if(zoom_mode==0){zoom_mode=9;vec_set(camera.x, vector(0, -1250, 80));wait(-1);zoom_mode=1;}
else{if(zoom_mode==1){zoom_mode=9;vec_set(camera.x, vector(0, -1700, 0));wait(-1);zoom_mode=0;}}

It's not really that great but if you don't want to loose time on this take it & tweak it smile

Last edited by Ganderoleg; 02/22/10 15:00.

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