I've downloaded everything and checked it out and I must say that it all looks very good. Your boy drawings are great. They are very similar to what I had in mind.

As for levels they are very atmospheric, but, as it seems, they don't really follow the castle theme... They are, however, very universal so I guess if we replace mountain image with snowy castle image in level1 it can pass as a castle smile

Thanx smile As I already mentioned there were lots of technical surprises since I only had experience with first person levels so far. I will probably make two more levels in different styles if I can finish the boy character in 2D&3D without any to much difficulties.

It's totally o.k. since the dead-line is now sett for the Friday(26.02.). I hope to see(and create myself) more of everything since these are the proposals that will be the base for game prototype level.

I am sorry for constantly reminding about the level theme but if we are to choose from different art styles we should all have the same theme frame. We can choose the nicest car between the different cars but it's very hard to choose the nicest car between the cars, bicycles & trains grin

Last edited by Ganderoleg; 02/20/10 18:02.

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