@Txes(it's shorter smile )

I am really impressed with the artwork you presented, and, now, I also remember seeing your Pelota game some time ago on the forum. The only thing I couldn't check out is the CS map(level) since I uninstalled my copy of CS, and my cd is nowhere to be found. I did check the video & screens: they look very, very professional.
If I had to pick a favorite artwork among all of them it would be the clip bug grin
Also the code-based characters look real innovative and fun.

*I have changed your artwork-post link in EtherPad since it linked, for some reason, to one of my replies.


Yes I tried all of them & they all have very good & original feel.
As for our game levels- we shouldn't jump before we set the global game design & mood and, most importantly, the art pipeline. If there is to be 100 levels we need to make sure that we have all levels visually balanced. That's not so much question of geometry, if levels are full/partial 3D, but mainly question of unified textures & lightning, and, if we have no 3D geometry but only 2D images, mainly question of unified art style.

Last edited by Ganderoleg; 02/10/10 03:27.

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