Joozey: Wicked. How "simple" is it? Like, can it be used for any surfaces? Or just straight surfaces? Any Demo video of a character walking (or just moving) around using your 2d collision?
I still think George wanted to use 3d work though. And I wouldn't mind. I think we could use more predefined functions (c_scan, c_trace...)

Then the "who can do what" argument Ganderoleg posted still seems to be the one that'll decide everything.

BUG, we won't know until the team has decided on the theme... really depends on the game idea.

Ganderoleg, from your list, I can do:
1.3D static environment modeling
4.2D static environment drawing
5.2D characters drawing & animating
6.Texture making
8.2D Menus and Panels

And as for the Art-Style, I'd go for:
5.3D characters & combination of 2D/3D environment

We can always still decide whether only the background is 2d (the distant objects) or all objects infront of the player... etc.

Last edited by Germanunkol; 02/10/10 11:05.

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-Mark Twain