"Lang ist's her".... cause the last months i have learned new things and new/other software like blender very hard. But now, i can say "it was a good choice".

the bad news: the last few months i haven't continued my project(s).
the good news: now i know blender very well. and now i can continue my work faster than before. Yesterday i started to create the first "real" ship (not a dummie again) but without drawing as a sketch -> direct thinking + direct modeling. The basic is finished, now i have to model the details to generate the normalmap (and the ambient occlution map again).

Here is a link to my first blender-made spaceship (time i used: 3hrs)


Please note, i havent used / drawn a color-map yet. But i'll keep u updated.....


Last edited by maslone1; 01/28/10 17:32.

A8c, Blender, FlStudio, Unity3d