Hmmm... .ini files? It's been forever since I've used Lite-C, but I think I can get you headed in the right direction. The Win32 API already has a built in function to read .ini files. It's located in kernel32.dll. I know Lite-C let's you call the Windows API, and you can even add new things/improvise things to be Lite-C enabled.

I've used it a couple times in C#, which is easy to do under the Interop namespaces. For example:

        private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section,
            string key,string val,string filePath);
        private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(string section,
                 string key,string def, StringBuilder retVal,
            int size,string filePath);

Not sure how you'd do that in Lite-C though. smirk I don't believe Lite-C allows you to use direct DLL import directives. However, I know for a fact there are several good threads around here about doing it, with some very nice code. So it would be of benefit to spend a while searching for them. I believe you said you were a beginner? If so, I apologize if this doesn't make sense, but hope it helps!

P.S.- I'd really recommend you add an "in-game" or startup option to change the resolution, and have that stored in a registry entry or XML file. And sorry if this has been answered already. I didn't have time for every post.