We'd like to collect some framerate data for a MMO renderer test. Can you kindly download the following file:


and test the files mmo_crowd.exe and mmo_terrain.exe? We're interested in the average fps value over about 60 seconds run time. Please post the average fps you're getting here, together with your CPU clock rate and 3D card type.

The used engine is not A7, but a special MMO engine on top of the A7 scene manager.

Background: It turns out that we can not use the originally planned Granny 3D model renderer for the MMO, so we have to develop our own. While the A7 network could handle thousands of players per server surprisingly well, the bottleneck was simultaneously rendering thousand bones animated high poly models, as required for the MMO. A7 could only manage half of that. Therefore we originally intended to add a plugin with Granny 3D. That's one of the best and fastest model rendering engines.

Unfortunately due to financial considerations by our client, we can't use Granny 3D anymore - the license fees for an MMO apparently were too hefty. Thus we're supposed to develop our own renderer. This upload is for some early performance tests of a prototype renderer on as many systems as possible.

Thank you for your help!