Actually there's a misunderstanding. lostclimate was saying that GS's sales are mostly Com and Pro, not Extra, in response to AlbertoT saying GS's situation would perhaps be the opposite of Unity's.

I dont think so
Lets say

Unity Indie == 3dgs Com
UnityPro == 3dgs Pro

Apparently most of Unity revenues come from UnityPro
Assumimg that the member's share is 50/50 than about 13 % of the Unity incomes should be generated by the Indie version,
It is not an negligible amount of money , in my opinion, such as to justifiy a free version
I must suppose then that , let's say 80 % of the Unity members own the Pro version
I dont think thatthis is the case for 3dgs

There is something strange

Their business of course laugh