Originally Posted By: alpha_strike

A fellow ,which I now know for over 15 years is working as a doctor in the hospital in Karlsruhe. He said to me that when he worked after the study as a mobil accident doc, the worst accident he ever saw was on the highway.
He saw a women in the destroyed car with only her half head on the neck. So this was the important point to correct all my splatter models. The player will now have the possibility to blow the mfuckers head 1/1 and 1/2 away.

I thought - if this is even shocking doctors - this must be good enough for all hardcore players. Even if this is a budget game.
I have now models which can be blown in 12 parts.

I rate it very high, that you care about such Realism.
Great Stuff!

greetings to all Gorehounds,

"Make a great game or kill it early" (Bruce Shelley, Ensemble Studios)