Well, thanks for the compliment.
Im unfortunately one of those people who need a lot of proof, connected to other proofs etc, connected to other proofs etc.
"You cant build a solid house without a solid foundation, and you cant have a solid foundation without solid ground beneath."
But I also need a serious amount of proof to DIS-believe in something too. And proof that something DOESNT exist is hard to come by.

As for time-travelling visitors, I almost dis-believe in that, and you may have seen why in the second half of THIS post from another thread.
Its my belief that travelling back in time CANNOT change anything....
After all, knowing human beings, you can be certain that if a time machine exsisted ANYWHERE in time,
then SOMEONE would think "wouldnt the world be a better place if this had been invented 100 years ago?".
He then take the design back and 'invents' it then, AND any other technology required to get it going.
Then someone ELSE from 'then' would think "wouldnt the world be a better place if this had been invented 100 years ago?".
Ad infinitum....
Therefore its likely that IF a time machine were EVER possible, it would already exist everyWHEN.

As for portals, well yes. Ive been under the suspicion that there is a floating 'rip' in space/time that
drifts around inside the Bermuda Triangle. Randomly opening and closing.
And has been for at least as long as shipping records have been kept.

But I dont think the "solar portals" are what they seem. I have a suspicion that the percieved speed of the
flares is not a "portal" as such, but a relativity-effect caused by a mixture of time-dialation and gravity waves.
Im waiting in more "measurements" to be taken before I hypothesize any further.

Regardless of the 'aliens' level of technology, the 'problems' I stated a still apply.
And you may need to read them over again if you think I dont "consider it as a probability".
I just believe that due to the problems stated, it is a very low probability.

Alot of same, and only us on earth, well like on the movie , than it would be a wast of space.
And this little snippet as lost me completely. What is it in relation to?

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