I dont think Phemox is actually a non-believer.
From the majority of this thread Ive read, it seems to me that he is one of those people, like myself,
who often get mis-interpreted when they object to people saying things like
"... it IS ..." instead of "... I think it is ..." or "... it LOOKS like ...".
When we hear people taking an "expert" tone without CREDIBLE evidence to back it up, anything
we say then somehow ends up tainted with a very negative tone, because we disagree with
the ATTITUDE rather than the subject matter.
(And, Sorry but I dont accept U-Tube as a "credible" source of FACTS either)

For example, in Toasts last post, he is saying that "the UFO phenomenon itself is undisputable and real".
Im not going to dispute that.

BUT I will dispute that as being PROOF of aliens. After all UFO stands for UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object.
UFO's are there ... no argument, plenty of (usually blurry?) photos.
UFO's are "Objects" ... no argument.
UFO's are "Flying" ... no argument. (even though some are landed)
UFO's are "Unidentified" ... no argument. We have no proof or evidence to what MANY of them are.
(I suspect this is because once we have strong evidence or proof of what it is, ITS NO LONGER UNIDENTIFIED!
and so that particular sighting/evidence is no longer interesting or useful to Alien-hunters / UFO-nuts, etc.)

BUT we have no OFFICIAL publicly-available evidence ANY of them are "Alien" in origin.

So how can you use the "UFO phenomenon" as proof of alien visitation, be it extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional?
Quite simply.... you cant.
But you CAN say it "..lends much credence to the theory.." of alien visitation.

PS:: Please Note, any insult or offence caused by my comments or phrase-ology is entirely unintentional.
I hereby humbly apologise if any insult or offence was caused.

PPS:: Also note, personally ...
1> I do believe in Extra-terrestrial Intelligence. Its a mathematical certainty IMHO.
2> I highly-doubt (but NOT dis-believe) in Alien "visitation" due to the distances involved.
3> I do believe in the possibility Extra-Dimensional Intellligence.
4> I believe mankinds science to be too un-developed yet to even make an "educated" guesses
about the existance or behaviour of Extra-Dimensional intellligences.

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