Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
Blame your own ignorance on this topic, but there's no magic involved. Your own inability to explain is why you think it must be of extraterrestrial origin. Again, it's really not the best nor most likely explanation.

Well in the first place this was about just showing that you're wrong with your theory of every crop circle being man made by a physical, mechanical force being simple bending...

The extraterrestrial part then is the second step and granted a rather theoretical solution (becoming more probable when combined with some other info though) but as you refuse to even acknowledge the first step I tried to focus mainly on that here...

Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
I only meant to say that if you wanted to, you can actually make crops grow in unnatural ways.

You sure can do lots of stuff nowadays. In this case that's not a real argument though. Creating a plant killing itself by "magically" making its nodes explode at some point is just nuts. Who would buy something like that? Nobody would pay anyone for creating a plant like that and genetical engineering is nothing a hobbyist can do down in their cellars (especially with the wish for such a "strange" effect I hardly think it is possible with today's technology as it's not about enhancing / stimulating a certain attribute but create totally new mechanisms involving the creation of certain chemicals at a certain time and so on). There also still is the problem of the geometrical shapes and depending on the location planting a genetical engineered plant (if possible after all) probably is illegal...

All of this unlikely explanations just for having "something" against a bending by radiation theory which when looking at the evidence is likely to be the case?

Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
but I am sure crop circles are made in a certain way which involves mostly physical bending.

As I said you may be right about that for most crop circles but there are cases where the physical bending simply was not the cause but some kind of radation (where you even can show that the intensity has had to be higher in the center of a circle formation than at the borders)...

Originally Posted By: Phemox
-Exploded nodes, or bending nodes ( done in minutes)

Which I am sure can happen entirely naturally as well.

I might have covered this a bit yet but still: How do you come to such a conclusion? It's like saying that you're sure that your elbow-joint can explode...

BTW a fun fact:
Even a beloved search engine currently likes crop circles... wink

Enjoy your meal

Last edited by Toast; 09/15/09 18:10.