Originally Posted By: TheThinker
Who are the people behind the cropcircle site. I am not realy aware of USA institutions. (THIS is a serios ment question, because I respect Toasts way to discuss this.)

Well if I understood it right in the case of that bltresearch site it's an organization founded by some people interested in the crop circle phenomenom seeing some points not explainable by the "manmade" and simple bending theories. So they on the one side gather a lot of informations and seem to have made some people doing some research for them (like the x-ray stuff)...

I'm not too much into this topic though so I can't really list all good scientific sites covering this. I still think that site is a good start and browsing through it is quite interesting - I e.g. just found THIS ARTICLE being about MIT students not able to replicate some crop circle effects...

Having no entire institutions about that topic also is an effect of the usual point of view people have towards this. If you go ahead and want to get money for a project doing research about crop circles will pretty much leave you with nothing. Not because there definitely is nothing worth looking into but simply because people granting you the money would get fired by their superior in the worst case as for the public this topic was sucessfully humiliated. It's the same problem as for UFOs or aliens. I guess the very least we can say about those topic is that there might be something about it for sure. That needn't be aliens or something but let's say a secret new type of engine or whatever. The problem is you usually won't even be able to get a serious discussion about this started as you get the impression people really got trained to react in a certain way towards those topics which is about blocking any serious reflections...

With this topic being about crop circles this might be a bit OT but that's pretty much why I have the opinion I have. I sort of am open to things even if they sound crazy at first. I usually allow people to say and finish their things they come up with. This also is why when talking about the UFO & alien stuff the Disclosure Project guys are quite important to me. Those people are not the type of half-naked women who run into an emergency in the nearest hospital screaming that they became abused & pregnant by some aliens. If not them I don't know who should be "credible" when talking about this side of the topic. In contrast to quite some people out there they also aren't about profit but really just want to make people simply start evaluating this topic and ask for an investigation. I see no reason why they shouldn't get one...

I guess it's obvious that I think that at least most of what they say is true and I have my reasons for that. When telling about this my goal is not to make you think too though. All I really want is to abandon all the prejudices or whatever else there is when talking about such a topic and just start to THINK in an open minded way. I guess this is the hardest part anyway as when really doing so you'll easily end up with a shattered view of the world and reality probably being the reason why there is such a "barrier" beyond things like prejudices...

Enjoy your meal

Last edited by Toast; 09/14/09 21:02.