Still 2012 is no date of death & carnage where we have to be "rescued". It's rather a "window" for taking an evolutionary step. Pretty much every old culture marks 2012 as the year of the dawn of a new world or however you want to describe it. The best interpretation I have is that earth will ascend somewhen around this date giving us the opportunity to also enter the mentioned higher dimensions. That's also why all those benevolent species like the Pleiadians have sort of left their observational positions and are working on things like an official first contact and in general want to help us during the process of ascension. That's why I guess the next years are going to get "interesting"...

More Y2K-typical nonsense. Pole shifting can only occur when very large planets come close to earth and cause an electromagnetic wave. The closest planet able to do this is actually moving away from us. This isn't about something as simple as geomagnetic reversal, we're talking about axial reorientation here.

So far, there's really no reason to assume there will be a mysterious planet X within 2 years passing by close enough to cause this. tongue

Also, when it comes to science. It has been predicted by some scientists to already have happened as early as 1991. Guess they were wrong and I'm sure 2012 is simply another 'popular prediction'.

It's also pretty stupid to assume the Mayan and their calendar had knowledge of reoccurring events their own civilization didn't even live long enough for to ever have witnessed. Technically speaking, their long-count calendar doesn't really have an 'end' at all. They were afraid of thinking that far in the future, but which cultures in the past didn't fear the end of the sea or thought of falling stars as a sign of the Gods? It really means a whole lot less.

Also, stop reading those websites that have those disclaimer graphics to make it more authentic; "Presents science facts backed by popular predictions." wink

All they do is grab stuff from all over the place, rip it out of their context and make up a nice story, that's usually scientifically impossible.

PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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