Also in 2012 the magnetic shield of earth will fade away, and will expose us to radiation, deadly.. and they come to help people who believe in love, because those are the ones to keep life with meaning. and not the war ones, that lead to destruction all over.

Well that's not entirely correct. Pole shifting probably will occur around 2012 but it won't really lead to deadly radiation or stuff like that. Still it might have deadly effects as the lack of the magnetic field has strong influences on us. You might know from experiments where people are exposed to magnetic fields leading to some "paranoia" or hallucinations (those experiments e.g. were done to explain some ghost phenomena postulated to appear due to certain magnetic fields which were quite successful in proving that imo). Putting a human being into a real EM "bottle" even has more devastating results and is reported to even cause death...

Still 2012 is no date of death & carnage where we have to be "rescued". It's rather a "window" for taking an evolutionary step. Pretty much every old culture marks 2012 as the year of the dawn of a new world or however you want to describe it. The best interpretation I have is that earth will ascend somewhen around this date giving us the opportunity to also enter the mentioned higher dimensions. That's also why all those benevolent species like the Pleiadians have sort of left their observational positions and are working on things like an official first contact and in general want to help us during the process of ascension. That's why I guess the next years are going to get "interesting"...

Also they are what i would call, sons of GOD, they are the people that did teach to humans what is religion and how to follow god rules and love to keep homo sapiens alive. They told us about GoD, but of course the thing is so much more complex that human mind would't understand on that time, so they have to tell the story in another more understandable way. Which is bible.

Also not entirely true imo...

They aren't really involved in the bible and I'm also not sure what role they played in the centuries before the bible. Actually the egyptian culture afaik was the last one having some real influence by "ascended beings" pretty much consisting of Thoth and his son Tat together with Echnaton (who as Pharao tried to impart as much knowledge as possible while he could). From that point on things pretty much made themselves independent...

I'm currently reading some books from someone who says he got some lessons from Thoth "recently" and I find certain details about mathematics and geometry quite amazing. I've not gotten to the ground of things yet but it's very cool to see that this e.g. leads to the way cristals form themselves being identical to what I learned about cristallography at university...

Enjoy your meal