Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Yes, but they cannot bend physical borders.
If you are on Mars and you send a message then it needs 3 minutes to reach earth. So after 6 minutes you can get a reply. Only emails make sense there. And this is just around the corner (in our own solar system).

You're just taking into account electromagnetic waves and 3D laws for mass-having particles though. When restricting our entire universe to just those levels you are correct. The multi-dimensionality of our universe allows far more than that though...

While there might be several ways for long distance travel I know of one concept for this that seems to be valuable and even is mentioned within the records of the old cultures although rather rough shaped. I have to say though that I'm too lazy for describing that in detail as in order to have at least a gasp of how things interact with each other it would require some epic textwalls...

So I'll keep it at saying that there are more things than 3D space & time that exist and influence our world's behaviour. I guess you also have heard of some very basic concepts like tachyons (above light-speed particles - currently rather theoretical though) or teleportation of certain particles (I don't know which one but one particle actually was successfully teleportated leading to travelling with more than lightspeed)...

Enjoy your meal