Your definition of proof is somewhat funny. They didn't proof anything, they only let people tell stories basically. Very interesting ones I might add, and I love listening to them, but it's far from actual proof.

Of course they did not go through like every single line of their computer printouts concerning the radar contacts and so on - that would have been a monster of a conference probably taking days. The conferences are just there to tell the people that those guys are there, that they have facts and they want an official investigation to break the entire cover up that's upon this topic. Why do they want that? Well as you can see having all the facts isn't enough as people won't listen as it sounds crazy to them. What's needed is an actual investigation that doesn't just collect all the present info but has the power to actually go further than that and start to ask some serious questions...

Unless the people make it clear that this investigation is a strong desire nobody will ever start doing this - you'll find no judge, senator or whatever would be needed to get this thing rolling and the media are just there for smiling at this topic...

At the same time aren't you entirely unfair on them? I mean take some time and think about it - what could those people actually do to satisfy your need of a "proof"? What more do you want than their testimonials and evidences which are way beyond "trivial" or "unlikely" in order to get a full scale investigation started? You seem to try to make everything they say into "seeing something" as if everyone of them would talk about some lights dancing in the sky. Well they're not - even if one's beliefs would disallow any alien lifeforms there still would be flying objects hovering over a military base, paralyzing the controls of the nuclear weapons afaik leading to in increase in defcon status that is something VERY real. At least I'd start to worry about you if you say that it's a totally normal thing that shiny aircrafts fly over your military bases disabling your nukes and that this is nothing worth an investigation...

Enjoy your meal